\name{MIPSGS} \alias{MIPSGS} \docType{data} \title{ MIPS Gold Standard Protein Interactions} \description{ The MIPS gold standard protein complex data set downloaded from the Gerstein Lab web site. } \usage{data(MIPSGS)} \format{ A data frame with 8617 observations on the following 5 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{ORF1}}{The ORF for one gene} \item{\code{ORF2}}{The ORF for the second gene} \item{\code{CID}}{The MIPS protein complex ID} \item{\code{NAME}}{The name of the complex.} \item{\code{NUMBER}}{The number of proteins in the complex.} } } \details{ The data are essentially multiprotein complexes, curated from MIPS data, see also the data set in \code{\link{Mpact}}, which is related. The data are all pairwise members of each complex. Yu et al. state \dQuote{ To compile a reference data set with the lowest false-positive rate, we consider two proteins as interaction part- ners if and only if they are in the same complex of the highest level in the catalog. } } \source{ \url{http://interolog.gersteinlab.org} } \references{ Annotation Transfer Between Genomes: Protein-Protein Interologs and Protein-DNA Regulogs, H. Yu et al, Genome Research, 1107-1118, 2004. } \examples{ data(MIPSGS) } \keyword{datasets}