\name{BayesFactorPGS} \alias{BayesFactorPGS} \docType{data} \title{ The Binary Positive Gold Standard Developed via Bayes Factor} \description{ This data consists of the 10200 binary interactions with computed Bayes factor of greater than 3. This dataset was created 16 June 2009. } \usage{data(BayesFactorPGS)} \format{ A data frame with observations on the following 5 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{Orf1}}{The ORF for gene 1} \item{\code{Orf2}}{The ORF for gene 2} \item{\code{Tested}}{The number of times the interaction was tested} \item{\code{Observed}}{The number of times the interaction was found} \item{\code{log_BF}}{The log of the resulting Bayes factor} } } \details{ None. } \source{ } \references{ } \examples{ data(BayesFactorPGS) } \keyword{datasets}