\name{ccyclered} \alias{ccyclered} \docType{data} \title{ ~~ data name/kind ... ~~} \description{ The data are 2885 yeast genes, common to a number of different experiments. The original data were reported by Cho et al. and were processed to } \usage{data(ccyclered)} \format{ A data frame with 2885 observations on the following 11 variables. \describe{ \item{Cluster}{The cluster number the gene was assigned to.} \item{Distance}{The distance from the cluster center?} \item{Y.name}{The name of the gene, using standard yeast nomenclature.} \item{SGDID}{The Stanford yeast genome database identifier for the gene.} \item{GENE}{The common name for the gene.} \item{Chromsome}{The chromosome the gene is located on.} \item{Start}{The start of the gene, in bases, most likely from the 3' end.} \item{End}{The end of the gene.} \item{Introns}{The number of introns.} \item{Exons}{The location of the exons.} \item{Description}{A description of the gene.} } } \details{ Cho, et al. discuss the k means clustering of 2885 Saccharomyces genes into 30 clusters with measurements taken over two synchronized cell cycles. } \source{ \url{http://arep.med.harvard.edu/network_discovery} } \references{ Cho, et al. (1998) A genome-wide transcriptional analysis of the mitotic cell cycle. Molecular Cell, 2, 65-73. Tavazoie, et al. (1999) Systematic determination of genetic network architecture. Nature Genetics, 22, 281-285. } \examples{ data(ccyclered) } \keyword{datasets}