\name{tweeDEseqCountData-package} \alias{tweeDEseqCountData-package} \docType{data} \title{RNA-seq count data employed in the vignette of the tweeDEseq package } \description{ RNA-seq tables of counts employed in the vignette of the \code{tweeDEseq} package (Esnaola et al., submitted). These three data sets were downloaded from the ReCount repository at \url{http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/recount} and contain tables of counts from RNA-seq experiments by Cheung et al. (2010), Montgomery et al. (2010) and Pickrell et al. (2010). The raw RNA-seq data was pre-processed according to the procedures described by Frazee et al. (2011). Please check the individual help pages of each data set for further details. } %\format{ %} %\details{ %} \source{ V.G. Cheung, R.R. Nayak, I.X. Wang, S. Elwyn, S.M. Cousins, M. Morley and R.S. Spielman. \emph{Plos Biology}, 8(9), pii:e1000480, 2010. A.C. Frazee, B. Langmead and J.T. Leek. ReCount: a multi-experiment resource of analysis-ready RNA-seq gene count datasets. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics}, 12:449, 2011. S.B. Montgomery, M. Sammeth, M. Gutierrez-Arcelus, R.P. Lach, C. Ingle, J. Nisbett, R. Guigo and E.T. Dermitzakis. Transcriptome genetics using second generation sequencing in a Caucasian population. \emph{Nature}, 464:773-777, 2010. J.K. Pickrell, J.C. Marioni, A.A Pai, J.F. Degner, B.E. Engelhardt, E. Nkadori, J.B Veyrieras, M. Stephens, Y. Gilad, and J.K. Pritchard. \emph{Nature}, 464:768-772, 2010. } \references{ M. Esnaola, P. Puig, D. Gonzalez, R. Castelo, J.R. Gonzalez. Gene-specific count data distributions are required in RNA-seq experiments with extensive replication, \emph{submitted}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{annotEnsembl63}} \code{\link{cheung}} \code{\link{montgomery}} \code{\link{pickrell}} \code{\link{genderGenes}} \code{\link{hkGenes}} } %%\examples{ %%} \keyword{datasets}