\name{genderGenes} \alias{genderGenes} \alias{msYgenes} \alias{XiEgenes} \docType{data} \title{ Genes with documented sex-specific expression } \description{ Genes with documented sex-specific expression and occurring within the set of genes that form the tables of counts in \code{\link{pickrell.eset}}, \code{\link{montgomery.eset}} and \code{\link{cheung.eset}}. } \usage{data(genderGenes)} \format{ \code{msYgenes}: Ensembl gene identifiers from genes belonging to the male-specific region of chromosome Y (Skaletsky et al., 2003). \code{XiEgenes}: Ensembl gene identifiers from genes located in the X chromosome and which have been reported to escape X-inactivation. } \details{ These two lists of genes form a gold-standard set of genes with documented sex-specific expression which have been employed in the assessment of the method for differential expression analysis implemented in the \code{tweeDEseq} package (Esnaola et al., \emph{submitted}). Both gene lists are restricted to genes occuring within the set of genes that form the tables of counts in \code{\link{pickrell.eset}}, \code{\link{montgomery.eset}} and \code{\link{cheung.eset}}. } \source{ H.S. Skaletsky, T. Kuroda-Kawaguchi, P.J. Minx, H.S. Cordum, L. Hillier, L.G. Brown, S. Repping, T. Pyntikova, J. Ali, T. Bieri, A. Chinwalla, A. Delehaunty, K. Delehaunty, H. Du, G. Fewell, L. Fulton, T. Graves, S.F. Hou, P. Latrielle, S. Leonard, E. Mardis, R. Maupin, J. McPherson, T. Miner, W. Nash, C. Nguyen, P. Ozersky, K. Pepin, S. Rock, T. Rohlfing, K. Scott, B. Schultz, C. Strong, A. Tin-Wollam, S.P. Yang, R.H. Waterston, R.K. Wilson, S. Rozen, and D.C. Page. The male-specific region of the human Y chromosome is a mosaic of discrete sequence classes. \emph{Nature}, 423:825--837, 2003. L. Carrel and H.F. Willard. X-inactivation profile reveals extensive variability in X-linked gene expression in females. \emph{Nature}, 434:400--404, 2005. } \references{ M. Esnaola, P. Puig, D. Gonzalez, R. Castelo, J.R. Gonzalez. Gene-specific count data distributions are required in RNA-seq experiments with extensive replication. Submitted. } \seealso{ \code{\link{annotEnsembl63}} \code{\link{pickrell}} \code{\link{pickrellNorm}} \code{\link{montgomery}} \code{\link{hkGenes}} } \examples{ data(genderGenes) length(msYgenes) length(XiEgenes) } \keyword{datasets}