\name{annotEnsembl63} \alias{annotEnsembl63} \docType{data} \title{ Annotation data from Ensemble Release 63 } \description{ Annotation data for the human genes forming the tables of counts in \code{\link{pickrell.eset}}, \code{\link{montgomery.eset}} and \code{\link{cheung.eset}}. } \usage{data(annotEnsembl63)} \format{ \code{Symbol}: gene symbol according to the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC). \code{Chr}: chromosome. \code{Start}: start chromosomal position (Human genome version GRCh37). \code{End}: end chromosomal position (Human genome version GRCh37). \code{EntrezID}: Entrez gene identifier. \code{Description}: Short description of the gene. \code{Length}: Length of the longest cDNA of this gene. \code{GCcontent}: G+C content of the longest cDNA of this gene. } \details{ Data for all columns except \code{Length} and \code{GCcontent} was retrieved from Ensembl release 63 using the \code{biomaRt} package. Data in columns \code{Length} and \code{GCcontent} was obtained by downloading the set of Ensembl Release 63 human cDNAs at \url{ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-63/fasta/homo_sapiens/cdna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.63.cdna.all.fa.gz} and selecting the longest cDNA for each Ensembl Gene from which length and G+C content was calculated. } %%\source{ %%} \references{ M. Esnaola, P. Puig, D. Gonzalez, R. Castelo, and J.R. Gonzalez. Gene-specific count data distributions are required in RNA-seq experiments with extensive replication. Submitted. } \seealso{ \code{\link{pickrell}} \code{\link{pickrellNorm}} \code{\link{montgomery}} \code{\link{genderGenes}} \code{\link{hkGenes}} } \examples{ data(annotEnsembl63) dim(annotEnsembl63) head(annotEnsembl63) } \keyword{datasets}