\name{FruitFlyBioGRIDInteractionOfficial} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{FruitFlyBioGRIDInteractionOfficial} \docType{data} \title{ BioGRID interactions for Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), official names are used as identifiers} \description{ This data set contains a list of interactions for Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) The interactions are taken from BioGRID version 3.1.72, January 2011 release. For gene/protein entries, official names are used.} \usage{data(FruitFlyBioGRIDInteractionOfficial)} \format{ The format is: List of 7577 A list containing the interactions. For each gene/protein, there is an entry in the list with "name" containing name of the gene/protein and "interactors" containing the list of genes/proteins interacting with it. example: $ :List of 2 ..$ name : chr "fkh" ..$ interactors: chr [1:18] "CG6459" "CG10032" "CG11899" "CkIIbeta" ... } \source{ http://thebiogrid.org/download.php } \references{ Stark C, Breitkreutz BJ, Reguly T, Boucher L, Breitkreutz A, Tyers M. \emph{Biogrid: A General Repository for Interaction Datasets.} Nucleic Acids Res. Jan1; 34:D535-9} \examples{ data(FruitFlyBioGRIDInteractionOfficial) FruitFlyBioGRIDInteractionOfficial } \keyword{datasets}