\name{pasillaBamSubset-package} \alias{pasillaBamSubset-package} \alias{pasillaBamSubset} \alias{untreated1_chr4} \alias{untreated3_chr4} \title{Utilities returning the paths to BAM files untreated1_chr4.bam and untreated3_chr4.bam} \description{ BAM file untreated1_chr4.bam contains the subset of untreated1.bam (single-end reads, "Pasilla" experiment) where only alignments located on chr4 (Fly) were kept. BAM file untreated3_chr4.bam contains the subset of untreated3.bam (paired-end reads, "Pasilla" experiment) where only alignments located on chr4 (Fly) were kept. \code{untreated1_chr4} and \code{untreated3_chr4} return the path to those files. } \usage{ untreated1_chr4() untreated3_chr4() } \details{ See the pasilla data package for details about the "Pasilla" experiment (RNA-seq, Fly). BAM files untreated1.bam and untreated3.bam contain single-end and paired-end reads aligned to reference genome \emph{BDGP Release 5} (aka the \emph{dm3} genome on the UCSC Genome Browser). } \examples{ untreated1_chr4() untreated3_chr4() } \keyword{utilities}