\name{msdata} \alias{msdata} \alias{xs} \alias{x} \docType{data} \title{Sample FTICR, LC/MS and MS$^n$ data} \description{ \code{x} object containing a subset of LC/MS raw data from a Thermo Finnigan LCQ Deca XP The data is a subset from 500-850 m/z and 1190-1310 seconds, incl. MS2 and MS3, intensity threshhold 100.000. It was collected in positive ionization mode. \code{xs} object containing a subset of FTICR data from a Bruker APex III FTICR. The data is a subset from 400-450 m/z, collected in positive ionization mode. } \usage{data(xs)} \format{ The format is: \preformatted{ xs }} \details{ The corresponding raw mzdata files are located in the \code{fticr} and \code{iontrap} subdirectory of this package. } \seealso{ \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsSet}}, \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}} } \examples{ ## The directory with the mzData LC/MS files data(xs) mzdatapath <- file.path(.find.package("msdata"), "iontrap") mzdatapath files <- list.files(mzdatapath, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) files if (require(xcms)) { ## xcmsSet Summary show(xs) ## Access raw data file x <- xcmsRaw(files[1]) x } } \keyword{datasets}