\name{fhesc} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{fhesc} \docType{data} \title{ Data from a simple experiment on Human stem cells. } \description{ Human stem cells were assayed using Affymetrix 133plus 2 arrays. There were six arrays, three were biological replicates for undifferentiated cells, the other three were biological replicates for differentiated cells. } \usage{data(fhesc)} \format{ The data are in the form of an \code{ExpressionSet} instance. } \details{ Human Embryonic Stem Cells, H1 Line were cultured under feeder-free conditions. Undifferentiated samples were taken from this pool. The differentiated samples were obtained by maintaining the cells in culture for 10 - 14 days in the absence of basic fibroblast growth factor and conditioned medium. } \source{ The data were obtained from Dr. M. Tewari. } \references{ These data were used to prepare the book chapter, R and Bioconductor packages in bioinformatics: towards systems biology, by Nolwenn LeMeur, Michael Lawrence, Merav Bar, Muneesh Tewari and Robert Gentleman } \examples{ data(fhesc) } \keyword{datasets}