\name{rules.n43} \alias{rules.n43} \docType{data} \title{ snpStats imputation rules instance } \description{ snpStats imputation rules instance } \usage{data(rules.n43)} \format{ The format is: \cr Formal class 'ImputationRules' [package "snpStats"] with 1 slots \cr ..@ .Data:List of 470806 \cr .. ..$ : NULL \cr .. ..$ :List of 4 \cr .. .. ..$ maf : num 0.128 \cr .. .. ..$ r.squared: num 0.901 \cr .. .. ..$ snps : chr [1:4] "rs11654695" "rs9789059" "rs8073513" "rs7225087" \cr .. .. ..$ hap.probs: num [1:32] 0.00 1.02e-21 0.00 1.45e-07 1.52e-07 ... \cr .. ..$ :List of 4 \cr .. .. ..$ maf : num 0.163 \cr .. .. ..$ r.squared: num 0.802 \cr .. .. ..$ snps : chr [1:4] "rs11654695" "rs12449775" "rs8078223" "rs9907102" \cr .. .. ..$ hap.probs: num [1:32] 0.02863 0.0253 0.00342 0.07866 0.01717 ... \cr .. ..$ :List of 4 \cr .. .. ..$ maf : num 0.116 \cr .. .. ..$ r.squared: num 0.881 \cr .. .. ..$ snps : chr [1:4] "rs11654695" "rs9789059" "rs8073513" "rs4968164" \cr .. .. ..$ hap.probs: num [1:32] 0.00 1.96e-13 0.00 4.91e-05 1.05e-06 ... \cr .. ..$ : NULL \cr .. .. [list output truncated] \cr } %\details{ %%% ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~ %} %\source{ %%% ~~ reference to a publication or URL from which the data were obtained ~~ %} %\references{ %%% ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~ %} \examples{ library(snpStats) data(rules.n43) rules.n43[1:4] ## maybe str(rules.n43) ; plot(rules.n43) ... } \keyword{datasets}