\name{observed17ceu} \alias{observed17ceu} \alias{onePerm17ceu} \alias{tr17_1_9} \alias{tr17_1_9_perm} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ obtain access to ff-based archives of eQTL test results } \description{ obtain access to ff-based archives of eQTL test results } \usage{ observed17ceu() onePerm17ceu() } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \details{ The underlying ff data were obtained as follows \code{ dropMonomorphies = function(sms) { sl = smList(sms) summs = lapply(sl, col.summary) todrop = lapply(summs, function(x) which(x[,"RAF"]==1 | x[,"RAF"]==0)) for (i in 1:length(todrop)) if (length(todrop[[i]])>0) sl[[i]] = sl[[i]][,-todrop[[i]]] sms@smlEnv$smList = sl sms } library(GGdata) library(multicore) data(eset) ex library(genefilter) exf1 = nsFilter(ex) length(get("17", revmap(illuminaHumanv1CHR))->ZZ) kp = intersect(ZZ, featureNames(exf1[[1]])) c17 = getSS("GGdata", "17", renameChrs="chr17", probesToKeep=kp, wrapperEndo=dropMonomorphies) f1dm = eqtlTests(c17, ~male, targdir="c17c", genegran=1, geneApply=mclapply) save(f1dm, file="f1dm.rda") set.seed(1234); permf1dm = eqtlTests(permEx(c17), ~male, targdir="c17c_perm", genegran=1, geneApply=mclapply) save(permf1dm, file="permf1dm.rda") } } \value{ an instance of \code{\link[GGtools]{eqtlTestsManager-class}} } %\references{ %%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %} %\author{ %%% ~~who you are~~ %} %\note{ %%% ~~further notes~~ %} % %%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ % %\seealso{ %%% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ %} \examples{ f1 = observed17ceu() f1 f1@call f1[ rsid("rs7502145"), probeId("GI_10190685-S")] pf1 = onePerm17ceu() pf1[ rsid("rs7502145"), probeId("GI_10190685-S")] } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ models }