\name{sc.gene} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{sc.gene} \alias{orf2eg} \docType{data} \title{ Common IDs used for budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisa) genes } \description{ These two data provide mapping between Entrez IDs, official symbols and ORF (open reading frame) IDs for budding yeast genes. These data are useful for yeast microarray data analysis. sc.gene is a 3-column matrix listing the Entrez IDs, official symbols and ORF (open reading frame) IDs for all known genes. orf2eg is a named vector mapping ORF IDs to Entrez IDs. } \usage{ data(sc.gene) data(orf2eg) } \details{ These mapping data is may be used together with functions \code{eg2sym} and \code{sym2eg} in the gage package or similar functions. Check the examples for these functions in gage package. } \source{ These mapping data were compiled using the gene data from NCBI Entrez Gene database. Similar information can also be derived from Bioconductor package org.Sc.sgd.db. Please check the package for more information. } \references{ Entrez Gene } \examples{ data(sc.gene) head(sc.gene) data(orf2eg) head(orf2eg) ## for more example, check \code{eg2sym} and \code{sym2eg} funtions in ## the gage package. } \keyword{datasets}