\name{lumibatch.GSE17565} \alias{lumibatch.GSE17565} \docType{data} \title{ Illumina DASL expression data from FFPE tissues. } \description{ This lumibatch object contains raw expression data for 32 FFPE samples of Burkitts Lymphoma and Breast Adenocarcinoma, with dilution series and technical duplicates. From the original study by April et al. (2009). Sample metadata includes input RNA concentration, cell type, and replicate #. } \usage{data(lumibatch.GSE17565)} \format{ Formal class 'LumiBatch' [package "lumi"] } \details{ Downloaded from the GEO URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE17565 . Raw data were obtained from the supplemental file GSE17565_nonorm_nobkgd.txt.gz, and inserted into a lumibatch object using the lumi:lumiR command. } \source{ April C, Klotzle B, Royce T, Wickham-Garcia E et al. Whole-genome gene expression profiling of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. PLoS One 2009 Dec 3;4(12):e8162. PMID: 19997620 Data from accession ID GSE17565 of the Gene Expression Omnibus } \examples{ data(lumibatch.GSE17565) meta.data <- pData(lumibatch.GSE17565) expression.data <- exprs(lumibatch.GSE17565) } \keyword{datasets}