\name{dyebias.umcu.proper.estimators} \alias{dyebias.umcu.proper.estimators} \title{ Determine which spots should not be ruled out as slide bias estimators } \description{ Some spots (reporters/probes) should not be used when estimating the slide bias. Typical examples are mitochondrial genes and spots known to cross-hybridize. This function finds the ones that are OK to use. } \synopsis{ dyebias.umcu.proper.estimators(reporter.info, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{reporter.info}{ A data.frame, one row per spot, with (at least) columns \code{reporterId} (e.g. gene id or oligo id) and any of the following characteristics: \code{reporterGroup, chromosomeName, bioSeqType, crosshybRank and reporterSequence}. They are used to get rid of reporters that are not suitable when estimating the slide bias. } \item{verbose}{ Logical speficying whether to be verbose or not } } \details{ This function is particular to the slides and database set-up at the Holstege lab, but might serve as inspiration. } \value{ Returns and index vector that can be used as the \code{estimator.subset}-argument to \code{dyebias.application.subset}. } \references{ Margaritis, T., Lijnzaad, P., van~Leenen, D., Bouwmeester, D., Kemmeren, P., van~Hooff, S.R and Holstege, F.C.P. (2009) Adaptable gene-specific dye bias correction for two-channel DNA microarrays. \emph{Molecular Systems Biology, submitted} } \author{Philip Lijnzaad \email{p.lijnzaad@umcutrecht.nl} } \seealso{ \code{\link[dyebias]{dyebias.apply.correction}} } \examples{ \dontshow{ library(dyebias) library(dyebiasexamples) data(data.raw) data(data.norm) ### obtain estimate for the iGSDBs: iGSDBs.estimated <- dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs(data.norm, is.balanced=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) } ### choose the estimators and which spots to correct: estimator.subset <- dyebias.umcu.proper.estimators(maInfo(maGnames(data.norm))) summary(estimator.subset) ### do the correction \dontrun{ correction <- dyebias.apply.correction(data.norm=data.norm, iGSDBs = iGSDBs.estimated, estimator.subset=estimator.subset, application.subset = TRUE, verbose=TRUE) } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{misc} % silly but compulsary