\name{dsQTL-package} \alias{dsQTL-package} \alias{dsQTLCHR} \alias{dsQTLCHRLOC} \alias{dsQTLCHRLOCEND} \alias{getSNPlocs} \alias{DSQ_17} \alias{DSQ_2} \alias{ex} \alias{meanGT_chr2} \alias{ch2locs} \alias{dsQTL} \docType{package} \title{ dsQTL, data excerpt from Degner et al. 2012 Nature letter } \description{ dsQTL, excerpt from Degner et al. 2012 Nature letter on DNA variants associated with DnaseI hypersensitivity } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab dsQTL\cr Version: \tab 0.0.4\cr Suggests: \tab \cr Depends: \tab R (>= 2.15.0), utils, GenomicRanges\cr License: \tab Artistic 2.0\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr biocViews: \tab genetics\cr Built: \tab R 2.15.0; ; 2012-03-12 00:41:13 UTC; unix\cr } This package represents a selection of genotype and DNase-seq data for illustration of dsQTL identification. The slide deck for the Feb 2012 Seattle Bioconductor workshop has illustrations. } \author{ VJ Carey Maintainer: VJ Carey } \references{ PMID 22307276 } \keyword{ package } \seealso{ } \examples{ }