\name{getAllGO} \alias{getAllGO} \title{Get all GO categories for a list of genes.} \description{ The function uses the GO categories in the data.frame \code{gff} to obtain annotated GO categories, then the GO**ANCESTOR data in the \code{GO} package to add all parent terms as well. } \usage{ getAllGO(x, gff) } \arguments{ \item{x}{character vector.} \item{gff}{data.frame with columns \code{feature}, \code{Name}, and (\code{Ontology_term} or \code{attributes}), see details} } \details{The elements of \code{x} are matched against the column \code{gene} in \code{gff}. All are required to match. A list of GO terms is then extracted from the corresponding rows in the \code{Ontology_term} column. A gene may be annotated by several terms, separated by ",". Then the GO package is used to augment this by all ancestor terms. } \value{ List of character vectors. } \author{W. Huber } \examples{ } \keyword{manip}