\name{beta7} \alias{beta7} \docType{data} \title{Data from Rodriguez et al. (2004) Differential Gene Expression by Memory/Effector T Helper Cells Bearing the Gut-Homing Receptor Integrin alpha4 beta7.} \description{ This data package contains an \code{marrayRaw} instance for the as well as 6 gpr files of the beta7 microarray experiment. } \usage{data(beta7)} \details{Each arrays(hybridization) involved \eqn{\beta 7+} cell RNA from a single subject (labeled with one dye) and \eqn{\beta7-} cell RNA from the same subject (labeled with the other dye). Target RNA was hybridized to microarrays containing 23,184 probes including Operon Human version 2 set of 70-mer oligonucleotide probes and 1760 controls spots (e.g. negative, positive and normalization controls spots). } \references{ M.W. Rodriguez, A. C. Paquet, Y.H. Yang and D. J. Erle, Differential gene expression by integrin beta7+and beta7-memory T helper cells, \emph{BMC Immunology} 2004, pp. 5--13. } \examples{ data(beta7) summary(beta7) dim(beta7@maGf) } \keyword{datasets}