\name{CustomsTissue} \alias{CustomsTissue} \alias{CustomsTissueMC} \alias{CustomsTissue.noBl} \docType{data} \title{Custom-made CDF's probe set pairs} \description{Custom-made CDF's probe set pairs} \usage{ data(CustomsTissue) data(CustomsTissueMC) data(CustomsTissue.noBl) } \format{ These three data.frames contain data for the custom-made CDF's probe set pairs with Q75 >= 55. The \code{pr} and \code{target} columns hold the names of probe set X and Y, respectively. Column \code{alSum} contains the Q75 value of the alignment scores of X's reporters to the transcript of Y. The \code{peCC} column holds the pairs' Pearson correlation coefficient calculated on their expression intensities in the Tissue dataset (data originally from AtgenExpress Project). \code{CustomsTissue} is data.frame that contains all custom-made CDF's probe set pairs with Q75 >= 55. \code{CustomsTissueMC} holds a subset of the pairs in \code{CustomsTissue}, namely those whose metacorrelation coefficient is not NA are included. For \code{CustomsTissue.noBl}, the pairs of \code{CustomsTissue} that align to each other with BLAST in at least one direction with an E-value smaller than \eqn{10^{-10}} were omitted. } \references{ Casneuf, Van de Peer and Huber, AtgenExpress data used: Schmid, M., Davison, T. S., Henz, S. R., Pape, U. J., Demar, M., Vingron, M. Schoelkopf, B. Weigel, D., and Lohmann, J. (2005) A gene expression map of Arabidopsis development. \emph{Nature Genetics}, 37, 501-506. } \seealso{\code{\link{AffysTissue}}} \examples{ data(CustomsTissue) data(CustomsTissueMC) data(CustomsTissue.noBl) ## see also the vignette } \author{Tineke Casneuf \email{tine@ebi.c.uk}} \keyword{datasets}