\name{Freeman} \alias{acqTime1} \alias{acqTime2} \alias{messages} \alias{freemanAttrs} \docType{data} \title{Freeman's EIES Network} \description{ Graphs of relation data for Freeman's EIES researchers and data frame of attributes. } \usage{ data(acqTime1) data(acqTime2) data(messages) data(freemanAttrs) } \format{ \code{acqTime1}: graphNEL object with 32 nodes and 650 directed, weighted edges \code{acqTime2}: graphNEL object with 32 nodes and 759 directed, weighted edges \code{messages}: graphNEL object with 32 nodes and 460 directed, weighted edges \code{freemanAttrs}: data frame with 32 rows and 4 columns } \details{ The graphs contain the following relation information between Freeman's EIES researchers. The data are reported in Tables B.8-B.10, respectively, in Wasserman and Faust (1999). \code{acqTime1} valued acquaintanceship relations measured at nuary 1978, the start of the study; 4 = close personal friend, 2 = person I've met, 1 = person I've heard of but not met, known name or no reply \code{acqTime2} valued acquaintanceship relations measured at ptember 1978, the end of the study; 4 = close personal friend, 2 = person I've met, 1 = person I've heard of but not met, known name or no reply \code{messages} number of messages sent from one researcher to another \code{freemanAttrs} contains the following attribute variables for the 32 researchers. The data are reported in Table B.11 in Wasserman and Faust (1999). \code{OriginalID} original ID, as numbered in Freeman and Freeman (1979) \code{Citations} number of citations in 1978 \code{DisciplineCode} discipline, coded 1,2,3 \code{Discipline} discipline name } \source{ Wasserman, S. and Faust, K. (1999). \emph{Social Network Analysis}. Cambridge University Press. New York. } \references{ Freeman, S.C. and Freeman, L.C. (1979). The networkers network: A study of the impact of a new communications medium on sociometric structure. Social Science Research Reports No.46. Irvine, CA: University of California. } \examples{ data(acqTime1) data(acqTime2) data(messages) data(freemanAttrs) } \keyword{datasets}