\name{CEOclubs} \alias{CEOclubsAM} \alias{CEOclubsBPG} \docType{data} \title{Galaskiewicz's CEO and Clubs Network} \description{ Affiliation matrix and bipartite graph for Galaskiewicz's CEO and clubs network. } \usage{ data(CEOclubsAM) data(CEOclubsBPG) } \format{ \code{CEOclubsAM}: data frame with 26 rows and 15 columns \code{CEOclubsBPG}: graphNEL object with 41 nodes and 98 directed edges } \details{ \code{CEOclubsAM} is an affiliation matrix representation of the CEO and clubs network. The 26 rows correspond to the 26 CEOs, the 15 columns correspond to the 15 clubs, and an entry of "1" in the ith row and jth column represents membership of the ith CEO in the jth club. All other entries in the matrix are "0". \code{CEOclubsBPG} is a bipartite graph representation of the information contained in \code{CEOclubsAM}. Edges connect CEOs to clubs of which they are members. The bipartite structure of the graph should be apparent if \code{CEOclubsBPG} is plotted using Rgraphviz and the "dot" layout. } \source{ Wasserman, S. and Faust, K. (1999). \emph{Social Network Analysis}. Cambridge University Press. New York. } \references{ Galaskiewicz, J. (1985). \emph{Social Organization of an Urban Grants Economy}. New York: Academic Press. } \examples{ data(CEOclubsAM) data(CEOclubsBPG) } \keyword{datasets}