\name{dsRNAiDilutionSeries} \alias{dsRNAiDilutionSeries} \alias{dsRNAiDilutionSeriesAnno} \alias{dsRNAiDilutionSeriesDF} \docType{data} \title{ dsRNA dilution series } \description{ A dilution series for 6 x 6 gene. For each gene pair all combinations of 8 different concentrations of dsRNA reagent are screened. Three readout channels (nrCells, area, intensity) are available in the \code{data.frame dsRNAiDilutionSeries}. The plate annotation is given in the \code{data.frame dsRNAiDilutionSeriesAnno} and precomputed degrees of freedom for thin plate splines are available in the \code{matrix dsRNAiDilutionSeriesDF}. } \usage{data(dsRNAiDilutionSeries)} \format{ \itemize{ \item \code{dsRNAiDilutionSeries}: A data frame with 2688 observations on the following 3 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{nrCells}}{a numeric vector representing the number of cells readout.} \item{\code{area}}{a numeric vector representing the are readout.} \item{\code{intensity}}{a numeric vector representing the intensity readout.} } \item \code{dsRNAiDilutionSeriesAnno}: A data frame with 2688 observations on the following 7 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{plate}}{a numeric vector representing the plate number.} \item{\code{well}}{a numeric vector representing the well.} \item{\code{row}}{a numeric vector representing the row on plate.} \item{\code{col}}{a numeric vector representing the column on plate.} \item{\code{targetID1}}{a numeric vector representing the target number of the first reagent (see targets).} \item{\code{targetID2}}{a numeric vector representing the target number of the second reagent (see targets).} \item{\code{targets}}{a data.frame representing the 49 target reagents For each target reagent the gene name and the dsRNAi concentration is given.} } \item \code{dsRNAiDilutionSeriesDF}: A 6 x 6 matrix with degrees of freedom for thin-plate spline regression. } } \source{ Horn, Sandmann, Fischer, Huber, Boutros, Mapping of Signalling Networks through Synthetic Genetic Interaction Analysis by RNAi, Nature Methods, 2011, Figure 1abc and Figure S5. } \examples{ data(dsRNAiDilutionSeries) head(dsRNAiDilutionSeries) head(dsRNAiDilutionSeriesAnno) head(dsRNAiDilutionSeriesDF) } \keyword{datasets}