\name{MAPK.smooth.scatter} \alias{MAPK.smooth.scatter} \title{ smooth scatter using grid raster } \description{ This function is a reimplementation of \code{\link{smoothScatter}}. For nicer graphics output the background image is written by \code{\link{grid.raster}}. It is recommended to use the \code{\link{smoothScatter}} function from the \code{\link{graphics}} package. } \usage{ MAPK.smooth.scatter(x, y, n = 75, nrpoints = 100, col = "blue", pch = 20, size = unit(0.3, "char"), cex = 1.2, colramp = colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"))(256), xlab = "", ylab = "", respect = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{x-values.} \item{y}{y-values. Has to be the same length as x.} \item{n}{nr of bins used for the kernel density estimation.} \item{nrpoints}{nrpoints points in the lowest density region will be plotted. This allows the identification of outliers.} \item{col}{color of points.} \item{pch}{symbol to plot points.} \item{size}{The size of the points.} \item{cex}{The size of the label text.} \item{colramp}{color ramp for the density plot.} \item{xlab,ylab}{axis labels.} \item{respect}{A logical value indicating if the height and width of the axis scales should respect each other.} } \details{ Plots a density plot with \code{\link{grid}} graphics. } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteractMAPK-package}}, \code{\link{smoothScatter}} } \keyword{ misc }