\name{MAPK.plot.heatmap.raster} \alias{MAPK.plot.heatmap.raster} \title{ Plots a heatmap using grid.raster } \description{ This functions provides a grid plot that displays the raster image of a heatmap without any axis or label. This function is adapted from the function \code{\link{grid.sgiHeatmap}} from the package \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}}. It is highly recommended to use the original function \code{\link{grid.sgiHeatmap}}. } \usage{ MAPK.plot.heatmap.raster(X, subset = NULL, hc.row = NULL, hc.col = NULL, pi.max = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{X}{A matrix of pairwise interaction scores.} \item{subset}{A subset of genes that are displayed in the rows.} \item{hc.row}{A hclust object.} \item{hc.col}{A hclust object.} \item{pi.max}{The maximum interaction score of the colorbar. All interaction scores larger than this value will be displayed in the same color.} } \value{Nothing is returned. } \author{ Bernd Fischer } \seealso{ \code{\link{RNAinteract-package}}, \code{\link{RNAinteractMAPK-package}} } \keyword{ misc }