\name{Tf-model} \alias{TF_binding_profile_160bin} \alias{TF_model_data} \docType{data} \title{Data objects needed for computation of the figures} \description{This dataset consists of two data frames: \code{TF_model_data} and \code{TF_binding_profile_160bin}.} \usage{data("TF-Model")} \format{\code{TF_model_data} is a dataframe whose rows correspond to the TSSs. Its 1st colum is the response variable, namely expression leveles measure by CAGE (polyA+ Whole cell RNA in K562). The remaining 40 columns are predictors, namely, TF binding signals. \code{TF_binding_profile_160bin} is a dataframe whose 240 rows correspond to 80 bins around TSS [-4kb, 4kb]; for each bin there are 3 values for all, HCP, LCP genes, respectively. Its columns correspond to 84 TF binding profiles.} \references{Reference to the Encode paper and/or other relevant papers.} \source{Information on the data provenance. Where are the underlying raw data?} \details{Further details go here.} \examples{ data("TF-Model") dim(TF_model_data) head(colnames(TF_model_data)) TF_model_data[1:4,1:3] stopifnot(all( dim(TF_binding_profile_160bin)== c(240, 84) )) head(colnames(TF_binding_profile_160bin)) TF_binding_profile_160bin[1:4, 1:3] } \keyword{datasets}