\name{sCLLex} \alias{sCLLex} \docType{data} \title{ The ExpressionSet object for the CLL microarray data} \description{ The ExpressionSet object was obtained by performing gcrma on the AffyBatch object (CLLbatch). Two arrays were of questionable quality so these two arrays (CLL1 and CLL10) were removed before performing gcrma on CLLbatch. The sCLLex ExpressionSet object has 22 samples and 12,625 genes. The Affymetrix hug95av2 arrays were used and the 22 samples came from 22 CLL patients that were either classified as stable or progressive in regards to disease progression. } \usage{data(sCLLex)} \format{ An ExpressionSet object with 22 samples and 12,625 genes. The Affymetrix hgu95av2 array was used and gcrma was used for preprocessing the AffyBatch object. \describe{ \item{\code{exprs}}{the matrix containing estimates expression levels with rows as genes and columns as patients (dimensions: 12,625 by 22)} \item{\code{se.exprs}}{the matrix with standard error estimates (gcrma returns a 0 by 0 matrix)} \item{\code{description}}{no information is available for the description slot, which is of class MIAME} \item{\code{annotation}}{"hgu95av2"} \item{\code{notes}}{there are no notes for this object} \item{\code{reporterInfo}}{unknown (NULL)} \item{\code{phenoData}}{a data frame with two variables: SampleID and Disease (from the disease data frame); SampleID is the CEL file and Disease is a factor with 2 levels: progressive or stable, based on the patient's CLL disease progression } \item{\code{classVersion}}{no version} } } \source{ The CLL microarray data came from Dr. Sabina Chiaretti at Division of Hematology, Department of Cellular Biotechnologies and Hematology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy and Dr. Jerome Ritz at Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. } \examples{ data(sCLLex) } \keyword{datasets}