\name{mirbaseCONTEXT} \alias{mirbaseCONTEXT} \title{MicroRNA IDs to Genomic Context} \description{ mirbaseCONTEXT is an R object that maps microRNA identifiers to information related to overlapping transcripts. } \details{ Each microRNA identifier maps to a \code{mirnaContext} object that has 6 slots: contextTranscriptID: Transcript identifer contextOverlapSense: Strand of transcript contextOverlapType: Type of overlap (exon, intron, 3' or 5' UTR) contextNumber: Type of overlap number (eg exon 3) contextTranscriptSource: Transcript database contextTranscriptName: Transcript Name Source: miRBase (Version: 18) ftp://mirbase.org/pub/mirbase/CURRENT/ With a date stamp from the source of: 02 Nov 2011 } \seealso{\code{\link{mirnaContext}}} \examples{ x <- mirbaseCONTEXT # Get the CONTEXT for the first element mapped get(mappedkeys(x)[1], x) } \keyword{data}