\name{mirbaseCLUSTER} \alias{mirbaseCLUSTER} \title{MicroRNA IDs to Clusters} \description{ mirbaseCLUSTER is an R object that provides mappings between microRNA identifiers and other microRNA identifiers within a 10kb window ('genomic cluster'). } \details{ Each microRNA identifier maps to a vector of a microRNA identifiers belonging to a cluster (if any beyound itself). This information was computed ad-hoc as it is not included in the original data tables provided by mirbase.org. Source: miRBase (Version: 18) ftp://mirbase.org/pub/mirbase/CURRENT/ With a date stamp from the source of: 02 Nov 2011 } \examples{ x <- mirbaseCLUSTER # Get the first cluster containg more than one element clL <- eapply(x, length) id <- names(clL[clL > 1])[1] get(id, x) } \keyword{data}