Changes in version 1.14: NEW FEATURES o ocSamples() and ocProbesets() propagate the value they are set to to a cluster (if the cluster is set); Changes in version 1.9: USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Major refactoring of classes used by SNP/CNP algorithms. 1. New class: CNSet, AlleleSet, SnpSuperSet 2. Removed classes: Snp*QSet, Snp*CallSet, Snp*CallSetPlus 3. Genotyping algorithms will use SnpSet instead of SnpCallSet o Replaced thetaA, thetaB, senseThetaA, antisenseThetaA, senseThetaB and antisenseThetaB methods by allele. o Exported DBPDInfo, ExpressionPDInfo, FeatureSet, TilingPDInfo o Added ff utilities used by both oligo and crlmm packages NEW FEATURES o bothStrands() methods for AlleleSet and SnpFeatureSet.