1.1.1 FEATURES: -netCDF support for large data sets. -centralized storage of flow data in 3-D matrix (sample*channel*event) -fast data accessing,subsetting and splitting -support all the related methods for flowSet KNOWN ISSUES: write meta data - ncdfFlow allows user to save the entire ncdfFlowSet object in ncdf file. Currently the meta data is first serialized in R and stored as raw vector in cdf. It can fail when the meta data size exceeds the limit of serialization function. CHANGES IN 1.1.2: 1.Using temporary directory instead of working directory to store cdf file in creating ncdfFlowSet from flowSet 2.allow for user specified path in ncdfFlowSet_sync method to save the cdf in different location other than original one 3.clone.ncdfFlowSet function: -change argument name to avoid confusion:sNewNcFile-->isNew ;newNcFile-->fileName -avoid copying the entire cdf repository when clone subsetted ncdfFlowSet -fix the bug of inconsistent dimensions (sample*colnames) when create the new cdf file 4.check whether source file exist in read.ncdfFlowSet 5..writeSlice: -allow for either flowFrame or matrix to be added by -add sample name to the error message to help troubleshoot the problematic FCS file especially for loading large datasets 6.add isNew=FALSE to split method to allow for splitting into multipe cdf files for the sake of parallel computing 7.set compress=FALSE to disable compression mode of CDF