CHANGES IN VERSION 1.14.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o The map generic and RangesMapping class for mapping ranges between sequences according to some alignment. Some useful methods are implemented in GenomicRanges. o The Hits class has experimental support for basic set operations, including setdiff, union and intersect. o Added a number of data manipulation functions and methods, including mstack, multisplit, rename, unsplit for Vector. o Added compare() generic for generalized range-wise comparison of 2 range-based objects. o Added OverlapEncodings class and encodeOverlaps() generic for dealing with "overlap encodings". o subsetByOverlaps() should now work again on an RleViews object. o DataFrame now supports storing an array (like a matrix) in a column. o Added as.matrix,DataFrame method. o Added merge,DataTable,DataTable method. o Added disjointBins,RangesList method. o Added ranges,Rle and ranges,RleList methods. o Added which.max,Rle method. o Added drop,AtomicList method. o Added tofactor() wrapper around togroup(). o Added coercions from vector to any AtomicList subtype (compressed and uncompressed). o Added AtomicList to Character/Numeric/Logical/Integer/Raw/ComplexList coercions. o Added revElements() for reversing individual elements of a List object. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o RangesMatching has been renamed to Hits and extends Vector, so that it supports element metadata and other features. o RangesMatchingList has been renamed to HitsList. o The 2 columns of the matrix returned by the "as.matrix" method for Hits objects are now named queryHits/subjectHits instead of query/subject, for consistency with the queryHits() and subjectHits() getters. o queryLength()/subjectLength() are recommended alternatives to dim,Hits. o breakInChunks() returns a PartitioningByWidth object. o The 'weight' arg in "coverage" methods for IRanges, Views and MaskCollection objects now can also be a single string naming a column in elementMetadata(x). o "countOverlaps" methods now propagate the names of the query. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT o matchMatrix,Hits is deprecated. o Moved the following deprecated features to defunct status: - use of or as( , "data.frame") on an AtomicList object; - all coercion methods from AtomicList to atomic vectors; - subsetting an IRanges by Ranges; - subsetting a RangesList or RangedData by RangesList. BUG FIXES o within,RangedData/List now support replacing columns o aggregate() override no longer breaks on . ~ x formulas o "[", "c", "" and "seqselect" methods for Rle objects are now safer and will raise an error if the object to be returned has a length > .Machine$integer.max o Avoid blowing up memory by not expanding 'logical' Rle's into logical vectors internally in "slice" method for RleList objects. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.12.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Add "relist" method that works on a List skeleton. o Add XDoubleViews class with support of most of the functionalities available for XIntegerViews. o c() now works on XInteger and XDouble objects (in addition to XRaw objects). o Add min, max, mean, sum, which.min, which.max methods as synonyms for the view* functions. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Views and RleViewsList classes don't derive from IRanges and IRangesList classes anymore. o When used on a List or a list, togroup() now returns an integer vector (instead of a factor) for consistency with what it does on other objects (e.g. on a Partitioning object). o Move compact() generic from Biostrings to IRanges. o Drop deprecated 'multiple' argument from "findOverlaps" methods. o Drop deprecated 'start' and 'symmetric' arguments from "resize" method for Ranges objects. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT o Using and or as( , "data.frame") on an AtomicList object is deprecated. o Deprecate all coercion methods from AtomicList to atomic vectors. Those methods were unlisting the object, which can still be done with unlist(). o Deprecate the Binning class. o Remove defunct overlap() and countOverlap(). BUG FIXES o togroup() on a List or a list does not look at the names anymore to infer the grouping, only at the shape of the list-like object. o Fix 'relist(IRanges(), IRangesList())'. o Fix ', integer(0))'. o Fix some long-standing issues with the XIntegerViews code (better handling of "out of limits" or empty views, overflows, NAs).