\name{getAllInt} \alias{getAllInt} \title{ Get the summerized MAS5 values for a given spike probe } \description{ This function retrieves the expression intensities prvided by the object of class \code{"YAQCStats"} for the probe which names are compatible with the given pattern and return their mean value. } \usage{ getAllInt(YAQCStatsObject,pattern) } \arguments{ \item{YAQCStatsObject}{ an object of type \code{"YAQCStats"} } \item{pattern}{ a pattern used to select the probe names to be used } } \value{ An object of type \code{"numeric"} in which the mean expression intensities of each array are given. } \examples{ ## load a dataset library(affydata) data(Dilution) ## perform quality control qc <- yaqc(Dilution) ## get intensities for the biob ## spikes probe sets getAllInt(qc,"biob") ## or getAllInt(qc,"b[3|5|m]") } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \keyword{ misc }