\name{plot.pairwise.comparison} \alias{plot.pairwise.comparison} \alias{plot,PairComp} \alias{plot,PairComp-method} \title{ Plots a PairComp object } \description{ Draws a scatter plot between means from a pairwise comparison. Colours according to PMA calls and identifies 'signficant' genes yielded by a filtering } \usage{ \method{plot}{pairwise.comparison}(x,y=NULL,labels=colnames(means(x)),showPMA=TRUE,type="scatter",...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \code{PairComp} object } \item{y}{ A \code{PairComp} object } \item{labels}{ A list containing x and y axis labels } \item{showPMA}{ True if PMA calls are to be identified } \item{type}{ Can be 'scatter', 'ma' or 'volcano' } \item{...}{ Additional arguments to plot } } \details{ Takes a PairComp object (as produced by \code{pairwise.comparison} and plots a scatter plot between the sample means. If PMA calls are present in the \code{calls} slot of the object then it uses them to colour the points. Present on all arrays: red; absent on all arrays: yellow; present in all some arrays; orange. In addition, if a second \code{PairComp} object is supplied, it identifies spots in that object, by drawing them as black circles. This allows, for example, the results of a \code{pairwise.filter} to be plotted on the same graph. If type is 'scatter' does a simple scatter plot. If type is 'volcano' does a volcano plot. If type is 'ma' does an MA plot. } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \seealso{ \code{\link{pairwise.comparison}} \code{\link{pairwise.filter}} \code{\link{trad.scatter.plot}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ pc <- pairwise.comparison(eset.mas,group="group",members=c("a","b"),spots=eset) pf <- pairwise.filter(pc) plot(pc,pf) } } \keyword{ misc }