\name{count.reads} \alias{count.reads} \title{Counting reads across intervals} \description{Counts the number of reads starting at each position across given genomic intervals} \usage{count.reads(reads_fn, I, sb=NULL, binary=FALSE, sum.counts=FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{reads_fn}{filename of aligned reads in BAM format} \item{I}{a GRanges object giving valid genomic intervals} \item{sb}{a seqbias object} \item{binary}{if \code{TRUE}, return a 0-1 vector, otherwise return a vector counting the number of reads mapped to each position} \item{sum.counts}{if \code{TRUE} return the total read count for each interval} } \details{ Given an indexed BAM file, this function counts the number of reads starting at each position of each provided interval. If a seqbias object is provided through the \code{sb} attribute, counts are corrected for sequence bias. The total read count for each interval is returned if \code{sum.counts} is \code{TRUE}. If \code{binary} is \code{TRUE} a 0-1 vector is returned instead, where positions at which no reads are mapped are 0, and those with one or more are 1. } \value{ A list of numeric vectors is returned, one for each interval provided. Each vector gives an integer count of the number of reads beginning on that position. } \note{ The BAM file provided should be indexed with 'samtools index'. } \author{ Daniel Jones \email{dcjones@cs.washington.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{seqbias.predict}} } \examples{ reads_fn <- system.file( "extra/example.bam", package = "seqbias" ) I <- GRanges( c('seq1'), IRanges( c(1), c(5000) ), strand = c('-') ) counts <- count.reads( reads_fn, I ) }