\name{wigToBigWig} \alias{wigToBigWig} \title{ Convert WIG to BigWig } \description{ This function calls the Kent C library to efficiently convert a WIG file to a BigWig file, without loading the entire file into memory. This solves the problem where simple tools write out text WIG files, instead of more efficiently accessed binary BigWig files. } \usage{ wigToBigWig(x, seqinfo, dest = paste(file_path_sans_ext(x, TRUE), "bw", sep = ".")) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Path or URL to the WIG file. Connections are not supported. } \item{seqinfo}{ \code{\linkS4class{Seqinfo}} object, describing the genome of the data. All BigWig files must have this defined. } \item{dest}{ The path to which to write the BigWig file. Defaults to \code{x} with the extension changed to \dQuote{bw}. } } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\link[=BigWigFile]{BigWig}} import and export support }