\name{parseQubicBlocks} \alias{parseQubicRules} \alias{parseQubicChars} \alias{parseQubicBlocks} \title{ Parse QUBIC Command Line Tool Output Files } \description{ These functions parse output files of the QUBIC command line tool developed by Ma et al. } \usage{ parseQubicRules(filename) parseQubicChars(file, check.names=FALSE, ...) parseQubicBlocks(filename) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{filename}{Input filename} \item{file}{Input filename} \item{check.names}{logical, should the column names be checked?} \item{...}{other parameters passed to the \code{\link{read.csv}} function} } \details{ Parse QUBIC Command Line Tool Output Files } \value{ \code{parseQubicRules} and \code{parseQubicChars} both return a data frame. \code{parseQubicBlocks} returns an instance of \code{\linkS4class{QUBICBiclusterSet}} class. } \references{ \url{http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/~maqin/bicluster/} } \author{ Jitao David Zhang } \examples{ getRqubicFile <- function(filename) system.file("extdata", filename, package="rqubic") ## parse QUBIC rules rule.file <- getRqubicFile("sampleExpressionSet.rules") rqubic.sample.rule <- parseQubicRules(rule.file) ## parse QUBIC chars chars.file <- getRqubicFile("sampleExpressionSet.chars") rqubic.sample.chars <- parseQubicChars(chars.file) ## parse QUBIC blocks block.file <- getRqubicFile("sampleExpressionSet.blocks") rqubic.sample.data <- parseQubicBlocks(block.file) }