\name{h5ls} \alias{h5ls} \alias{h5dump} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{List the content of an HDF5 file.} \description{ Lists the content of an HDF5 file. } \usage{ h5ls (file, recursive = TRUE, all = FALSE, datasetinfo = TRUE, index_type = h5default("H5_INDEX"), order = h5default("H5_ITER")) h5dump (file, recursive = TRUE, load = TRUE, all = FALSE, index_type = h5default("H5_INDEX"), order = h5default("H5_ITER"), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{file}{The filename (character) of the file in which the dataset will be located. For advanced programmers it is possible to provide an object of class \code{\link{H5IdComponent}} representing a H5 location identifier (file or group). See \code{\link{H5Fcreate}}, \code{\link{H5Fopen}}, \code{\link{H5Gcreate}}, \code{\link{H5Gopen}} to create an object of this kind.} \item{recursive}{If TRUE, the content of the whole group hierarchy is listed. If FALSE, Only the content of the main group is shown. If a positive integer is provided this indicates the maximum level of the hierarchy that is shown.} \item{all}{If TRUE, a longer list of information on each entry is provided.} \item{datasetinfo}{If FALSE, datatype and dimensionality information is not provided. This can speed up the content listing for large files.} \item{index_type}{See \code{h5const("H5_INDEX")} for possible arguments.} \item{order}{See \code{h5const("H5_ITER")} for possible arguments.} \item{load}{If TRUE the datasets are read in, not only the header information. Note, that this can cause memory problems for very large files. In this case choose \code{load=FALSE} and load the datasets successively.} \item{\dots}{Arguments passed to \code{\link{h5read}}} } \details{ \code{h5ls} lists the content of an HDF5 file including group structure and datasets. It returns the content as a data.frame. You can use \code{h5dump(file="myfile.h5", load=FALSE)} to obtain the dataset information in a hierarchical list structure. Usually the datasets are loaded individually with \code{\link{h5read}}, but you have the possibility to load the complete content of an HDF5 file with \code{h5dump} } \value{ \code{h5ls} returns a data.frame with the file content. \code{h5dump} returns a hierarchical list structure representing the HDF5 group hierarchy. It either returns the datasets within the list structure (\code{load=TRUE}) or it returns a data.frame for each datset with the dataset header information \code{load=FALSE}. } \references{\url{http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5}} \author{Bernd Fischer} \seealso{ \code{\link{h5read}}, \code{\link{h5write}}, \link{rhdf5} } \examples{ h5createFile("ex_ls_dump.h5") # create groups h5createGroup("ex_ls_dump.h5","foo") h5createGroup("ex_ls_dump.h5","foo/foobaa") # write a matrix B = array(seq(0.1,2.0,by=0.1),dim=c(5,2,2)) attr(B, "scale") <- "liter" h5write(B, "ex_ls_dump.h5","foo/B") # list content of hdf5 file h5ls("ex_ls_dump.h5",all=TRUE) h5dump("ex_ls_dump.h5") } \keyword{ programming } \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ file }