\name{HDF5 Identifier Interface} \alias{H5I} \alias{H5Iget_type} \alias{H5Iget_name} \alias{H5Iis_valid} \title{HDF5 Identifier Interface} \description{These functions provides tools for working with object identifiers and object names.} \usage{ H5Iget_type(h5identifier) H5Iget_name(h5obj) H5Iis_valid(h5identifier) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{h5identifier}{An object of class \code{\link{H5IdComponent}} representing a H5 identifier (file, group, dataset, dataspace, datatype, attribute). See e.g. \code{\link{H5Fcreate}}, \code{\link{H5Fopen}}, \code{\link{H5Gcreate}}, \code{\link{H5Gopen}}, \code{\link{H5Dcreate}}, \code{\link{H5Dopen}} to create an object of this kind.} \item{h5obj}{An object of class \code{\link{H5IdComponent}} representing a H5 object identifier (file, group, or dataset). See \code{\link{H5Fcreate}}, \code{\link{H5Fopen}}, \code{\link{H5Gcreate}}, \code{\link{H5Gopen}}, \code{\link{H5Dcreate}}, or \code{\link{H5Dopen}} to create an object of this kind.} } \details{ Interface to the HDF5 C-library libhdf5. See \url{http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/RM/RM_H5I.html} for further details. } \value{\code{H5Iget_type} returns the type of the H5 identifier, \code{H5Iget_name} the name of the object, and \code{H5Iis_valid} checks if the object is a valid H5 identifier. } \references{\url{http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5}} \author{Bernd Fischer} \seealso{ \link{rhdf5} } \examples{ # create an hdf5 file and write something h5createFile("ex_H5I.h5") h5createGroup("ex_H5I.h5","foo") B = array(seq(0.1,2.0,by=0.1),dim=c(5,2,2)) h5write(B, "ex_H5I.h5","foo/B") # reopen file and dataset and get object info fid <- H5Fopen("ex_H5I.h5") oid = H5Oopen(fid, "foo") H5Iget_type(oid) H5Oclose(oid) H5Fclose(fid) } \keyword{ programming } \keyword{ interface } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ file }