\name{threshrankfun} \alias{threshrankfun} \title{A closure version of the \code{threshrank} function.} \usage{ threshrankfun(thresh, keep0s=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{thresh}{A single numeric value giving the threshold.} \item{keep0s}{A logical determining whether 0's in \code{x} should remain a zero-value in the output. If FALSE, zeros are treated as any other value.} \item{...}{Further arguments passes to the \code{\link{rank}} function.} } \value{ A single-argument function with the options to \code{\link{threshrank}} set. } \description{ Takes the same arguments as \code{\link{threshrank}}, except for \code{x}, because the output is a single-argument function rather than a rank-transformed numeric. This is useful for higher-order functions that require a single-argument function as input, like \code{\link{transformsamplecounts}}. } \examples{ data(GlobalPatterns) GP <- GlobalPatterns ## These three approaches result in identical otuTable (x1 <- transformsamplecounts( otuTable(GP), threshrankfun(500)) ) (x2 <- otuTable(apply(otuTable(GP), 2, threshrankfun(500)), speciesAreRows(GP)) ) identical(x1, x2) (x3 <- otuTable(apply(otuTable(GP), 2, threshrank, thresh=500), speciesAreRows(GP)) ) identical(x1, x3) } \seealso{ \code{\link{transformsamplecounts}}, \code{\link{threshrankfun}}, \code{\link{threshrank}} }