\name{speciesSums} \alias{speciesSums} \title{Returns the total number of individuals observed from each species/taxa/OTU.} \usage{ speciesSums(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{\code{\link{otuTable-class}}, or \code{\link{phyloseq-class}}.} } \value{ A \code{\link{numeric-class}} with length equal to the number of species in the table, name indicated the taxa ID, and value equal to the sum of all individuals observed for each taxa in \code{x}. } \description{ A convenience function equivalent to rowSums or colSums, but where the orientation of the otuTable is automatically handled. } \examples{ data(enterotype) speciesSums(enterotype) data(esophagus) speciesSums(esophagus) } \seealso{ \code{\link{sampleSums}}, \code{\link{rowSums}}, \code{\link{colSums}} }