\name{phyloseq-class} \alias{phyloseq-class} \title{The main experiment-level class for phyloseq data} \description{ Contains all component classes: \code{\link{otuTable-class}}, \code{\link{sampleData-class}}, \code{\link{taxonomyTable-class}} (\code{"taxTab"} slot), and \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}-class (\code{"tre"} slot). There are several advantages to storing your phylogenetic sequencing experiment as an instance of the phyloseq class, not the least of which is that it is easy to return to the data later and feel confident that the different data types ``belong'' to one another. Furthermore, the \code{\link{phyloseq}} constructor ensures that the different data components have compatible indices (e.g. species and samples), and performs the necessary trimming automatically when you create your ``experiment-level'' object. Downstream analyses are aware of which data classes they require -- and where to find them -- often making your \code{phyloseq-class} object the only data argument to analysis and plotting functions (although there are many options and parameter arguments waiting for you). } \details{ In the case of missing component data, the slots are set to \code{NULL}. As soon as a \code{phyloseq-class} object is to be updated with new component data (previously missing/\code{NULL} or not), the indices of all components are re-checked for compatibility and trimmed if necessary. This is to ensure by design that components describe the same taxa/samples, and also that these trimming/validity checks do not need to be repeated in downstream analyses. slots: \describe{ \item{otuTable}{a single object of class otuTable.} \item{samData}{ a single object of class sampleData.} \item{taxTab}{ a single object of class taxonomyTable.} \item{tre}{ a single object of class phylo, from the package ape} } } \seealso{ The constructor, \code{\link{phyloseq}}, the merger \code{\link{merge_phyloseq}}, and also the component constructor/accessors \code{\link{otuTable}}, \code{\link{sampleData}}, \code{\link{taxTab}}, and \code{\link{tre}}. }