\name{internal2tips.self} \alias{internal2tips.self} \title{Custom version of \code{\link[picante]{internal2tips}}} \usage{ internal2tips.self(phy, int.node, return.names = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{object of class \code{phylo}.} \item{int.node}{the internal node you want to get the descendants of.} } \value{ character vector } \description{ Internal function for \code{\link{UniFrac}}. } \details{ A modified version of the \code{\link{internal2tips}} function, such that when a tip is provided as \code{int.node}, that tip is returned. This is a more intuitive behavior than the original picante version, which returns NULL. This is currently used in \code{\link{UniFrac}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[picante]{internal2tips}} \code{\link{UniFrac}} } \keyword{internal}