\name{import_mothur_dist} \alias{import_mothur_dist} \title{Import mothur-formatted distance file} \usage{ import_mothur_dist(mothur_dist_file) } \arguments{ \item{mothur_dist_file}{Required. The distance file name / location produced by \emph{mothur}.} } \value{ A distance matrix object describing all sequences in a dataset. } \description{ The mothur application will produce a file containing the pairwise distances between all sequences in a dataset. This distance matrix can be the basis for OTU cluster designations. R also has many built-in or off-the-shelf tools for dealing with distance matrices. } \examples{ # # Take a look at the dataset shown here as an example: # # "http://www.mothur.org/wiki/Esophageal_community_analysis" # # find the file ending with extension ".dist", download to your system # # The location of your file may vary # mothur_dist_file <- "~/Downloads/mothur/Esophagus/esophagus.dist" # myNewDistObject <- import_mothur_dist(mothur_dist_file) } \seealso{ \code{\link{import_mothur}} }