\name{import_biom} \alias{import_biom} \title{Import phyloseq data from BIOM file} \usage{ import_biom(BIOMfilename, taxaPrefix=NULL, parallel=FALSE, version=0.9) } \arguments{ \item{BIOMfilename}{(Required). A character string indicating the file location of the BIOM formatted file. This is a JSON formatted file, specific to biological datasets, as described in \url{http://www.qiime.org/svn_documentation/documentation/biom_format.html}} \item{taxaPrefix}{(Optional). Character string. What category of prefix precedes the taxonomic label at each taxonomic rank. Currently only ``greengenes'' is a supported option, and implies that the first letter indicates the taxonomic rank, followed by two underscores and then the actual taxonomic assignment at that rank. The default value is \code{NULL}, meaning that no prefix or rank identifier will be interpreted.} \item{parallel}{(Optional). Logical. Wrapper option for \code{.parallel} parameter in \code{plyr-package} functions. If \code{TRUE}, apply parsing functions in parallel, using parallel backend provided by \code{\link{foreach}} and its supporting backend packages. One caveat, plyr-parallelization currently works most-cleanly with \code{multicore}-like backends (Mac OS X, Unix?), and may throw warnings for SNOW-like backends. See the example below for code invoking multicore-style backend within the \code{doParallel} package. Finally, for many datasets a parallel import should not be necessary because a serial import will be just as fast and the import is often only performed one time; after which the data should be saved as an RData file using the \code{\link{save}} function.} \item{version}{(Optional). Numeric. The expected version number of the file. As the BIOM format evolves, version-specific importers will be available by adjusting the version value. Default is \code{0.9}. Not implemented. Has no effect (yet).} } \value{ A \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} object. } \description{ New versions of QIIME produce a more-comprehensive and formally-defined JSON file format. From the QIIME website: } \details{ ``The biom file format (canonically pronounced `biome') is designed to be a general-use format for representing counts of observations in one or more biological samples.'' \url{http://www.qiime.org/svn_documentation/documentation/biom_format.html} } \examples{ # # # import with default parameters, specify a file # import_BIOM(myBIOMfile) # # # Example code for importing large file with parallel backend # library("doParallel") # registerDoParallel(cores=6) # import_biom("my/file/path/file.biom", taxaPrefix="greengenes", parallel=TRUE) } \references{ \url{http://www.qiime.org/svn_documentation/documentation/biom_format.html} } \seealso{ \code{\link{import}}, \code{\link{import_qiime}} }