\name{getVariable} \alias{getVariable} \title{Get the values for a particular variable in sampleData} \usage{ getVariable(physeq, varName) } \arguments{ \item{physeq}{(Required). \code{\link{sampleData-class}}, or \code{\link{phyloseq-class}}.} \item{varName}{(Required). Character string of the variable name in \code{sampleData}. Use \code{sample.variables(physeq)} for available variables in your object.} } \value{ Data. The clas of the data depends on what the contents of sampleData. } \description{ This is a simple accessor function for streamlining access to values/vectors/factors/etc contained in the sampleData. } \examples{ # Load the GlobalPatterns dataset into the workspace environment data(GlobalPatterns) # Look at the different values for SampleType getVariable(GlobalPatterns, "SampleType") } \seealso{ getSpecies species.names sample.names getTaxa \code{\link{sample.variables}} }