\name{getTaxa} \alias{getTaxa} \title{Get a unique vector of the observed taxa at a particular taxonomic rank} \usage{ getTaxa(physeq, taxonomic.rank=rank.names(physeq)[1]) } \arguments{ \item{physeq}{(Required). \code{\link{taxonomyTable-class}}, or \code{\link{phyloseq-class}}.} \item{taxonomic.rank}{(Optional). Character. The taxonomic rank to use. Must select from the set indicated by \code{getTaxa}. Default is to take the first column of the \code{taxonomyTable} component.} } \value{ Character vector. Unique vector of the observed taxa at a particular taxonomic rank } \description{ This is a simple accessor function to make it more convenient to determine the different taxa present for a particular taxonomic rank in a given \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} object. } \examples{ data(enterotype) getTaxa(enterotype) data(GlobalPatterns) getTaxa(GlobalPatterns, "Family") } \seealso{ getSpecies species.names sample.names getTaxa }