\name{edgelist2clique} \alias{edgelist2clique} \title{Convert edgelist hash-table to clique list} \usage{ edgelist2clique(EdgeList) } \arguments{ \item{EdgeList}{a 2-column table of vertices where each row represents an edge.} } \value{ A list, where each element is a character vector of tips that should are in the same clique. } \description{ Agglomerating function to convert an edgelist -- which is a 2-column table of vertices where each row represents an edge -- to a list of cliques, in which each clique is represented by a character vector of the vertex labels of the vertices that are members of the clique. This algorithm is perfectly greedy, such that the only requirement for inclusion in a clique is an edge to any of the other members of that clique. } \examples{ # # edgelist2clique(get.edgelist(ig)) } \keyword{internal}