\docType{methods} \name{otuTable<-} \alias{assign-otuTable} \alias{otuTable<-} \alias{otuTable<-,otuTable,otuTable-method} \alias{otuTable<-,phyloseq,otuTable-method} \alias{otuTable<-,phyloseq,phyloseq-method} \title{Assign a new OTU Table to \code{x}} \usage{ otuTable(x) <- value } \arguments{ \item{x}{(Required). \code{\link{phyloseq-class}}} \item{value}{(Required). \code{\link{otuTable-class}} or \code{\link{phyloseq-class}}.} } \description{ Assign a new OTU Table to \code{x} } \examples{ # data(GlobalPatterns) # # An example of pruning to just the first 100 taxa in GlobalPatterns. # ex2a <- prune_species(species.names(GlobalPatterns)[1:100], GlobalPatterns) # # The following 3 lines produces an ex2b that is equal to ex2a # ex2b <- GlobalPatterns # OTU <- otuTable(GlobalPatterns)[1:100, ] # otuTable(ex2b) <- OTU # identical(ex2a, ex2b) # print(ex2b) # # Relace otuTable by implying the component in context. # ex2c <- GlobalPatterns # otuTable(ex2c) <- ex2b # identical(ex2a, ex2c) }