Write a data.frame to an html file.
Creates an html file with links and plots from a table.
write.html(x, links, tiny.pic, tiny.pic.size = 100, title = "", file, digits = 3)
Object of class \code{data.frame}.
Object of class \code{list} with one item per column in x.
If we want the ith column of x to have links to a site or local file
we will have to write those links into the ith element of links.
Object of class \code{list} with one item per column in x.
If we want the ith column of x to show plots instead of text we will
have to write the path to the plots into the ith element of links.
size of the pictures if any.
Title that will be shown on top of the html file.
path and name of the file that will be created.
number of digits that will be shown in numeric columns of x.
Evarist Planet
write.csv, write.table, htmlpage
##Code has been commented to avoid the creation of files
#(x <- data.frame(gene.symbol=c('AARS','ABCF1','ABLIM1'),value=c(2.054,30.024,5.0221),plot=rep('Open',3)))
#tiny.pic <- links <- vector('list',length=ncol(x))
#links[[1]] <- paste('http://www.genecards.org/index.php?path=/Search/keyword/',x[,1])
#for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
# png(paste('~/Desktop/',x[i,1],'.png',sep=''))
# plot(1:3,log(1:3))
# dev.off()
#tiny.pic[[3]] <- links[[3]] <- paste(x[,1],'.png',sep='')
#write.html(x,links=links,tiny.pic=tiny.pic,file='~/Desktop/x.html',title='My html test')
\keyword{ ~kwd1 }