\name{pmFragmentLength} \alias{pmFragmentLength} \alias{pmFragmentLength,AffySNPPDInfo-method} \alias{pmFragmentLength,SnpFeatureSet-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Access the fragment length for PM probes.} \description{ Accessor to the fragment length for PM probes. } \usage{ pmFragmentLength(object, enzyme, type=c('snp', 'cn')) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{PDInfo} or \code{SnpFeatureSet} object.} \item{enzyme}{Enzyme to be used for query. If missing, all enzymes are used.} \item{type}{Type of probes to be used: 'snp' for SNP probes; 'cn' for Copy Number probes.} } \note{ There is not a 1:1 relationship between probes and expected fragment length. For one enzyme, a given probe may be associated to multiple fragment lengths. Therefore, the number of rows in the data.frame may not match the number of PM probes and the \code{row} column should be used to match the fragment length with the PM matrix. } \value{ A list of length equal to the number of enzymes used for digestion. Each element of the list is a data.frame containing: \itemize{ \item \code{row}: the row used to link to the PM matrix; \item \code{length}: expected fragment length. } } \keyword{manip}